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Our values have served as a point of accountability, a muse, a lifeline, and a north star. They’re a guiding light moving us in the right direction (and a buffer when we find ourselves off track).

In the early days, it was just me. I knew that even if the company was forever just me I needed a value system to guide the way. So I inventoried the keynotes of my career, assessed what had served me well, and decided that they’d likely serve the company just as well. So I pared them down to the essentials and just like that, Table had values.

  1. Put the client first, always.
  2. Take responsibility, especially when it hasn’t been assigned to you.
  3. We enjoy what we do and who we do it with.
  4. Keep honest and stay transparent. 
  5. Communicate clearly, concisely, and often.
  6. Make everything simple and easy to understand.
  7. Be efficient with brain power, time, and money. 
  8. Stay humble. We are working as a team.
  9. It’s not done until it’s done. 
  10. Do better.

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